Our Association Churches

Forest Hills Lutheran Christian School is owned and operated by the Westside Lutheran School Association (WLSA). The WLSA was formed in 1994 by seven Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod congregations located in the western suburban area of Portland, Oregon.  Congregations appoint members to serve as the Delegate Assembly for the school. The Board of Directors is in turn, annually elected by the Delegate Assembly.

In addition to providing leadership through the school board, our Association churches provide spiritual leadership for our students as regular speakers in our weekly chapel services.

WLSA Congregations

Bethlehem Lutheran Church
18865 SW Johnson Street
Aloha, Oregon 97003
503/649-3380 – www.blcfamily.org
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church
2327 17th Avenue
Forest Grove, Oregon 97116
503/357-2511 – www.mtoliveforestgrove.org
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
14175 NW Cornell Road
Portland, Oregon 97229
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
4265 SW Golf Course Road
Cornelius, Oregon 97113
503/357-3863 – www.stpeterscornelius.org
Trinity Lutheran Church
2194 SE Minter Bridge Road
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123
503/640-1693 – www.trinityhillsboro.com
Zion Lutheran Church
178 NE Evergreen Road
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
503/640-8914 – www.zionhillsboro.org