The academic curriculum includes all elementary and middle school subjects taught at FHLCS. In addition, we teach a formal Christian studies program based on the Bible. Current textbooks and related materials are used as resources for our curriculum standards.
Physical Education: Twice weekly physical education classes involve all students in physical activity and are led by a P.E. Teacher. Outdoor playfields and the school gym are used for this program. Students are provided opportunities for daily physical activity.
Music: Music instruction is led by a specialist in the primary grades. Band or handbell instruction is offered to 4th-8th graders. Choir is offered to students of grades 6-8 as a fine arts elective.
Art: Twice weekly, formal art instruction involves all classes and students at Forest Hills in grades K-5. Middle school students may take art as an elective. Art activities are also integrated into various subject areas. The art classroom is housed in the Middle School Building.
Technology: Technology is integrated across the grade levels. Primary students utilize iPads to extend learning. Intermediate grade students have access to mobile laptops. Middle school students are each equipped with a Chromebook laptop which they carry from class to class and utilize for homework. FHLCS Technology Standards can be found here.
Library: Students in grades K-5 spend time twice each week in the school library, listening and browsing through the school’s book collection.
Extra Help: Extra help for students is available in reading and math to students in K-5 as need upon recommendation of teachers.
Intermediate Curriculum (3rd-5th)